My mom and dad gave me a gift of a plane ticket and a three night hotel stay at the end of August. No, they weren't shipping me off to parts unknown (although some days I bet they'd like to). My cousin Jay was getting married in Denver, and they wanted me to go. So, with a little fear and trepidation, I agreed to go. I was intrigued at the idea of seeing Colorado (my only frame of reference for Colorado was the shots of Boulder from "Mork and Mindy"), and I really wanted to see my extended family. So off I went with my parents, my sister, my brother-in-law and my niece and nephew. The few days away would be nice. Little did I know that God had a greater gift in mind for me that weekend.

I love being "Mom." Love it. I've been a mom for more than fifteen years. I've been "Wife" for more than seventeen, and it's a great thing. Those titles are wonderful gifts in and of themselves. What I wasn't prepared for during the last weekend of August was how much I'd love being "Aunt Deni." I've been an aunt for over six years, but I am usually aunt and mom at the same time... this time, my kiddos were at home, and I was simply Aunt Deni. That's all I needed to be for the whole weekend. I could laugh, chat, and stroll around holding my nephew's hand and give high-fives and hugs to my niece until the cows cam home. That was my only responsiblity. And it was magical. Very few things sound sweeter to my ears than my six year old nephew James saying he wants to hold my hand. God gave me the gift of being somebody else for a weekend. I got the chance to focus solely on being an aunt for four whole days.

Has God ever given you the gift of being somebody else? Has He given you the chance to hang up your everyday titles for just a little bit in order to pursue another role? How about the title of Life Group leader or Prayer Team member or Children's Ministry Team member? What about the role of homeless-shelter-food-preparer or missions-partner-needs-provider? What about...?

I am so thankful for the trip to Denver. It's one of those memories that I will savor for years to come. I am so thankful to my parents for the chance to go and to God who surprised me once again with His plan. What about you? Embrace the chance to be somebody else for a little while... and watch God's magic unfold.


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    Deni Sunderly

    Deni has been the Children's Minister @ Greenridge since 2005.