My favorite character in the movie Finding Nemo is Peach. Peach is a starfish with a dry wit and a matter-of-fact attitude. I admire that. At one point in the movie, a child with blatant disregard for the well-being of fish proceeds to tap repeatedly on the fish tank that Peach and her friends are in (everyone knows that fish don’t like it when you tap on their tanks, right?). Peach begins to recite a mantra that has become one of my favorites as well: “Find a happy place...find a happy place...”. 

I have a few happy places. They are special spots where I feel connected and rooted and grounded in a different, almost elevated way. They are more than mere happy places though. They are holy places. They are places and spaces where God has moved in my life in a profound way. They are sanctuaries of sorts, and they are set apart. They are the places where God has shown me a piece of Himself...His nature, His goodness, His character. They are places that I have found that all I want to do is take the shoes off of my feet because I’m standing on holy ground. The moments I have in these holy places are ones that I don’t ever want to forget. 

As I write this, I am sitting in pavilion B at High Point Farm in Clarksburg. This is one of the holy places in my walk with God. High Point Farm is where we have held several Easter Egg Hunts, Family Fun Festivals, a couple of Vacation Bible Schools, and Lord willing, this is where the Hunt will take place on March 31st. I have stood here amazed at God’s provision and overwhelming grace so many times as I watched cars pull onto the Farm for the Hunt. I have watched God move so mightily as Hunt Team members connect the families in our community with Jesus’ love. This is a holy place.

If you have joined the 2012 Hunt Team or have signed up to attend this Friday night’s Stuffing Party or have donated candy for the Hunt, thank you. If you have invited a friend or two to this year’s Hunt, wonderful! I can’t wait to hear how God moves in your friend’s life because of your invite and His faithfulness. I covet your prayers for the Hunt. Please blanket it in prayer. May this event... this a holy place again this year.

Taking my shoes off, Deni

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    Deni Sunderly

    Deni has been the Children's Minister @ Greenridge since 2005.