Okay, that might be a little harsh.  Perhaps "strongly dislike" would be better. Hmm. Umm, nope. Perhaps not. Don't get me wrong, there are many things that I love about this time of year. The sunny days are gorgeous, I love the smell of freshly cut grass, and the sound of cicadas is music to my ears. What I don't like however, is the time that is coming all too soon when I must say good-bye to the Children's Ministry 5th Graders. That's what I hate about this time of year.

I have written in the past about the fact that I am not good at good-byes. It should come with no surprise that I kick and scream my way through this time of year. It starts with the last night of Centri-Kid. I started a tradition in 2007 that the 5th Graders get to take our group's missions offering down to the stage. My thinking in starting this was that it's their last year at camp, and it's a special way to honor them for who they are. Little did I know what was going to happen that Thursday night in 2007. I called the 5th Graders into a huddle, told them how proud of them I was, and told them that they would be the ones to take the offering to the stage. I then sat down in my seat next to my husband Brian and promptly started to cry as I watched the 5th Graders walk toward the stage. I didn't cry a simple, quiet, dignified tear or two. Nope, I cried the "ugly cry." You know it... uncontrolled snot and tears where you just can't catch your breath and of course no tissue is in sight. Augh. My sweet husband just patted my back. There was nothing else he could do.

Words cannot adequately describe how very proud of the 5th Graders I am. They are an amazing bunch of young women and men of God. They could teach Sunday School on a moment's notice on any given Sunday. They know who they are in Christ, and they love Him. They are constantly striving to walk more closely to Jesus, and they are leaders. They are not content with simply letting life happen... they are LEADERS. This is their church, and they serve God with pride. If you have impacted the life of a 5th Grader at Greenridge, well done. You have helped shape the lives of these brilliant children in Jesus' name.

I cannot wait to watch them continue to grow in Christ in the years to come. Only He knows how He will use them to reach into this world on His behalf. Many blessings to the 5th Graders. We are all so proud of you.


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    Deni Sunderly

    Deni has been the Children's Minister @ Greenridge since 2005.