My husband and I were married in Maryland on a Saturday, by the next weekend, we had moved to Wake Forest, North Carolina so that my hubby could start seminary. 

It happened like that (insert a snap of the fingers). There I was. Newly married. Very young. New in town. 

I had never been to the town of Wake Forest before, much less the large city of Raleigh that it neighbors. And I had never held a full-time job. Gulp. That was my first task in this brand-new place: find a job. 

Advice from a new friend sent me in the direction of a temporary service. I called, set up a typing test appointment, and made my way over to the temp agency office. I was hired. Now what?

I discovered that sometimes temp agencies have long-term assignments for you (I got one not too long after being hired...what a blessing). But in those first few weeks of temping, I was sent one day here, the next day there in this brand-new city. It became apparent that I needed to learn how to get around Raleigh. I needed to know what streets cross where, what exits take me where I need to go, and what roads to take if plan A was backed up with traffic. I sat one afternoon on the floor of our tiny duplex’s living room with the map of Raleigh and learned how to get around.

God brought the remembrance of me sitting on that floor memorizing the map to my mind this past week. What do you and I do when we need to navigate a new adventure in life? When we have really big questions that need really clear answers, who do we turn to first? People? Or God? 

It’s really great to seek the advice of the trusted, loving people that God has surrounded us with. What would we do without them? But when it comes down to it, we need to study the map...God’s Word...first. The Bible is filled with words that guide, that illuminate, that pave roads. Memorize the Map. And when those confusing or unclear times come, you and I can be sure that the Map Maker will bring His Word to mind. His Word is firm and true and will help us navigate all of life’s adventures.  

Blessings for your week, Deni

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    Deni Sunderly

    Deni has been the Children's Minister @ Greenridge since 2005.