If I think back to my childhood summers, it's easy to assess what my priorities were.  I wanted to know if my best friend Alia could play, if the tires on my bike had enough air in them, and if I had enough change in my pocket for the ice cream man.  Those summer days were filled with adventure.  Jumping on the sprinkler-soaked trampoline with my sister.  Riding my bike with friends on the dirt track that the older kids made in the woods.  Running as fast as my feet would carry me when that beloved white truck of happiness parked at the corner.  Life was simple, and each day was filled with new adventures.

When was the last time you had a new adventure with Jesus?  I know, life is jam-packed already, isn't it?  But wouldn't it be amazing to try something new in your walk with Him?  To join a ministry team that you've never joined before.  To spend time talking to Jesus while gazing at the colors He has surrounded you with.  To embrace a moment He has given you and drop everything to run like mad with your kids when you hear the familiar siren song of the ice cream truck.  Ice cream for dinner?  I'm pretty sure that Jesus would be all over that!

Could this summer be a time of new adventures for you and your family and friends?  Yes, it could.  With Jesus, all things are possible.


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    Deni Sunderly

    Deni has been the Children's Minister @ Greenridge since 2005.